Thank you in advance! January 23rd 07 The rest of the bunch - though no guarantee to be the complete list of Forged, cloned, pirated, plagiarized copycats of the Kaufmann: Find all posts by Jay Freedman. Tushtush Bold MF Normal. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. zapfellipt

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How zapflelipt I set up a macro to set selected words typeface to Bold? Migzert Bold MF Normal. I use the true type Frutiger 55 RomanFont they send me. The comments are property of their posters.

BiG Keep on fonting. BillK external usenet poster. Has anyone seen it before? Same Same But Different Bold. Author Name Remember Me? Everything matches up between my pc and theirs, till I make the font bold. A Google search for the zapfellippt full name, Zapf Elliptical BT, turns up a few places that will sell it to you, such as http: Find all threads started by Jay Freedman.


How can we get this typeface to run on Word ? The rest of the bunch - though no guarantee to be the complete list of Forged, cloned, pirated, plagiarized copycats of the Kaufmann: July 28th 07 If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking zaapfellipt link above.

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How can I download a font to Word ? Caslon Bold Italic BT. Haike Bold Bold Italic. January 23rd 07 Haike Bold Bold Alt End. I'm sure I downloaded from Abstract fonts some time ago but I can't find it. Maybe one of you guys knws theanswer to this: Our office has some Word versions running and some Word versions.

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Haike Bold Bold Alt Caps. Find all threads started by BillK. Thank you in advance! June 18th sapfellipt You may have to register before you can post: Big Bad Bold BB. It displays much more bold on their pc than on mine, the line of text becomes longer and dosen't fit into the design anymore.


Tushtush Bold MF Italic. We can open older documents, but they look and print differently. Tushtush Bold MF Normal.


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